Five Nights at Sonic's Nightmare Revived 1 HD Edition

8 months ago

The game isn't cancelled! ( + Direction change )

Hello! So, yeah, the last post on this page was worded kinda badly. The game isn't cancelled, don't worry - I instead put it on an indefinite hiatus. Sorry if that scared you.

However, I can't say the same for the other games that were supposed to be in this collection. Yes, you're still getting the NR 1 HD Edition, but that's not the case with FNaS 5 Fan Game or FNaS NR 2, but I'm not too upset considering I barely started work on those games. I do kind of wish FNaS 5 Fan Game at least had a demo, but I just couldn't bring myself to finish them.

So, the entire page has instead been reworked for only FNaS NR 1 stuff. I saw how long NR 1 was taking, and I thought with how slow developing the game was the others would take who knows how long to finish (along with the fact I wasn't really motivated to do the other games)

Also, yes this means the game is officially out of hiatus! The game is very complete, and I know I said this all the way back in January, but we're getting close to a release!



Next up

I was NOT cooking with this extras menu wtf

? ? ?

(There's some clues in the text that might just hint at who's speaking.)

is that like... a tv man reference...

learning how to use the undertale mod tool

New thumbnail

(first image is new, second image is old)


this will be in the new update

fyi, the reason I stopped working on it was due to the slightest editing mistake somehow rearranging the entire editing timeline... This won't be very fun to fix

was looking at the analytics and found... heh.... the funny number.... (im so funny)

bendyOl183 lore?????

(a lot of these projects are deleted lol)