Ooga Classic
3 years ago

The game now has working checkpoints! If you've played the game and got stuck on a tricky section, you can now try it many times with little downtime between attempts. Give it a go today!

#pixelart #indiegame #platformer #indiedev #MadeWithFusion



Next up

The new version is so close! Stay tuned in the coming days :)


We've started basic level designs! The game is feeling really polished and fun!

Puzzles with Turtles and Doors are fun to play and easy to design. Play Ooga today!

#gamedev #madewithfusion #platformer #2d

Spears and Polevaulting are the central pillars of Ooga. Nothing more satisfying than pulling off the right jumps in a timely manner.

Play Ooga Today!

#pixelart #indiegame #platformer #indiedev #MadeWithFusion

Today is Ooga's 1 year anniversary! Thanks for sticking with our game for a whole year! Keep an eye out for the next update, it's going to be a big one!

We've been testing out toggleable walls since we just got them into a workable state. They look a little rough, but we're pretty happy with them in terms of functionality.

#platformer #2d #pixelart

Ooga is now starting to take form. After adding a world map feature, akin to Mario 3, it feels a lot more like a world than a series of tests. We've also begun to implement more complex puzzle features such as Spear deflectors. Play the game now!

For everyone unaware, Ooga's Demo has officially been launched on Steam! Play it and wishlist it today! https://store.steampowered.com/app/2699570/Ooga/

We are under attack!

Been working lately on lots of 'behind-the-scenes' boring stuff that no one really cares about, so here’s a guy playing the sax for some reason.
