2 months ago

the gamejolt children yern for sketch game updates

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Next up

I have nothing to add to this situation, but I want to do the same thing my girlfriend is doing. I wanna show support for FNaS Fan-Games that don't get enough attention. I'll try my best.


anyway, real news

i'm a few days late to this but thank you all SO much for 500 followers! it means a lot with all the support you guys give

seeya when i post the next devlog!


"They forgot about me"

Since it's FNaS's anniversary today, I thought about showing off the new main star of the show! Say hello to Faulty Sonic and... Tails? What is that thing?-

diner's ready


i may or may not make an full art of some person or i may just leave this like that-

Chiaki Nanami!