4 months ago

The Gormod

The Gormod (Welsh for "Too much") is an entity found around the time of Halloween every year.

First reported sightings in Wales 1200AD, the creature is a tall, blueish-red colour with tall horns and multiple limbs and props attached to it's body.
It roams the streets at night looking for unfortunate trick-or-treaters who have just taken more than they should have.

It covers it's head with objects like boxes and those who have said to have seen it's terrifying face have mysteriously disappeared the next day. It's said that it's limbs have been collected from it's victims, and it collects props from each place it visits and sticks them to it's body - this behaviour has not been explained.

As of October 2022, it's limb count has reached over 30 with over 100 props stuck to it's body. However in 2023, these numbers are different leading people to suspect that there may be multiple.



Next up

"And that's how I lost my medical license!"


Forgot to put this here, but here's the full Jacob Shop redesign!


Might finish later

A very unchill song (Wip)


(Forgot to attach the image earlier)

Reminder you can have your music play on Jacob's radio when the update comes out

I love this guy's design