5 months ago

THE GREATEST MATTY, just asking if you guys approve of the design.



Next up

Neo Zenith the final boss of my rpg.

My last art

Fantasia allosaurus and stegosaurus (note: for some reason in my head this allosaurus is female... I don't know... whatever)

[shit post] Murder!Berdly, lol

Baphomet and nothing more lol

Here they are, from left to right.

Just some cool stuf lol.

one of my country's folklore legends is the headless donkey better said, it is a mule, in this case the cross between a donkey and a mare. Anyway shes like a unfortunate soul that made ... thing... with a member of the church and became this thing/demon..

so most the snowed-in npcs are finished, now to learn how to fucking get textboxes to work (and finishing the rest of the outskirts(ruins)).
