2 years ago

The Horror Story Collection Of Jude James

PT 1


                   By Jude James

As Dr. Creekstone looked around him he wondered where he was. All there were endless hallways after endless halls. It was horrifying. He wandered in different directions but all he saw were more halls. Halls, after halls, after halls. He heard an inhuman noise in background. He started to speed walk, then jog, then run, then he started to full on sprint. The noise got louder and louder the faster he ran. He was getting closer to the thing that was making the noise. Then he ran into a large wall. He turned to run back but another wall appeared.

He was trapped in a room. Then one disappeared and a creature With Long Black tentacle like limbs appeared It grabbed Dr. Creekstone By the throat. It squeezed tighter and tighter and eventually, snap. His neck was snapped by the creature it slowly walked away to look for his next victim.




          The End

The Boy in red

    By jude james

There was a young boy named Jamie Mallick and he was a curious boy who loved the colour red. He loved to explore a cellar in his yard. One day he saw a red balloon. He took it and a clown named “Pennywise The Dancing Clown.”  Grabbed his arm. “Hello there Jamie.” The clown said. Jamie was confused and tried to walk away but Pennywise grabbed his head and pulled the young boy into the cellar. The mother of the boy searched everywhere for the young boy. She never found Jamie, but she never did. But one day There was a child’s voice from the deep dark scary wet cellar......



        BY: Jude James

An asteroid fell from the atmosphere down to earth in the dark night sky. It landed in a patch of grass in the backyard of a man named Eddison Brock. But most people called him Eddie. He worked as a photographer that sold his photos and at home drank alcoholic beverages excessively during the night and sometimes during mid-day. He never had guests because his house was a mess a majority of the time. Then he heard a scratch on his back door…….'

       The Vase

                                                                                      BY: Jude James


There was a vase was in a house on a hill in Amasis town that was so shiny and golden that people went from all over the world to see it. One day a man named David Diaz went to see it. 


He touched it and heard a noise behind him he looked but saw nothing then the vase fell and shattered he went to get someone to help but fell over a loose floorboard.


He looked up and saw a demon with no face.  It grabbed him by the neck and strangled him to death. His body was found bruised and cut up. 

No one knows what happened or where the vase went.

No one knows where the owner of the vase went, or what happened to the house on the hill in Amasis Town………….

The Pen

By Jude James

The following were the last 2 entries in a journal written by a boy who went missing.


I was given a pen as a gift from a friend. At first, it seemed like a normal pen. But I soon realized that it was cursed.

The pen would write on its own, and the words were always creepy and foreboding. It was as if the pen was possessed by some sort of monster.

I tried to get rid of the pen, but it always found its way back to me. It was like it was stalking me.The pen would write scary messages on anything it touched. And the more I tried to get rid of it, the more scared I became.

One day, I found the pen writing on my bedroom wall in big, bold letters. The message said, "I'm coming for you."

I knew then that the only way to get rid of the pen was to destroy it. But I was afraid that the monster inside the pen would come after me if I did.

I'm still afraid, even now. I don't know what to do. The pen is out there, somewhere, waiting to terrorize me again.








The Dog

By Jude James

One day, a family went for a walk in the woods that was next to their house on Snap Lane in Amasis Town and happend to come across a black dog. The dog looked harmless enough, so they decided to adopt it.

However, they soon realized that the dog was not normal. It would growl and snap at them for no reason, and it seemed to be getting stronger and more aggressive as time went on.

The family did some research and discovered that the dog was cursed. It was a demon monster dog that had been terrorizing people for centuries. They tried to get rid of it, but the dog always came back. It seemed to be getting more and more powerful, and the family was starting to feel like they were in danger.

One night, the dog finally snapped. It attacked the family, killed them all, and then disappeared into the night. No one knows what happened to it, but some say that it is still out there, waiting to terrorize and kill again. The bodies of the family were found with dog hair and bite marks all over.

But no one had seen a dog anywhere on the entire Neighborhood

The End



Next up

I wish for the ability to manifest 20 dollar bills whenever I want.


(I’m allergic to pizza)

Goodnight ladies, gentlemen, and arachnids, I shall see you once again tomorrow.

Not again 😭

What tf am I doing awake 😭

Flash low-key tweaking 😭 😭