9 months ago

The Jax Justun Studios Foundation Inc. Since 1972 {Date Created on: December 27th, 2023}

Hello folks, my name is Verrick Bonnson {AGE: 134 Gender: MALE}, and I'm the cousin of "Jerry J. Molley", and I'm here to give you guys a special message that we'd made while we were gone from the past days in December of 2023!!

Also, here's a warning about this 2nd Very Special Message by the way. This Message will contain things that aren't suitable for younger audiences to listen/hear about. Like references about people having to deal with mental health problems and having suicidal thoughts.

And, I think that's about it I guess. So yeah, viewer description is advised-ed-ed...... Ummmm?

Anyways, speaking of viewing purposes, we had also uploaded this message a bit more closer. Just because we just people to look at it at different perspectives on this GameJolt post!! So here it is!!!


Also, hope you had all enjoying on how we create these kinds of things on the internet!! Does it look great. Anyways, when you're reading this, it'll explain about some other technical stuff based on the Steam Dimension that we'd recovered back around during the day after the HACK!!

Unfortunely, there's still a few things to be STILL FIX from that Dimension alone. But don't worry, this message will explain about this more in details and everything. Anyways, have a nice day everyone!! This is/was "Verrick Bonnson", signing off. #JaxJustunStudiosFoundation!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!



Next up

HHS Parody Character Cartoon Poster #26 - (Created on: September 28th, 2024) FINALLY!!! The Table Pet's official Parody HHS Cartoon Poster's finally here at long last!!!!! MAN!!! Many #26HHSparodyPosters later, and here we are all now folks!!!!!

Jax Justun Studios Fan-Made Parody Header #9 - (Created on September 26th, 2024) After weeks of recovery, Jax Justun Studios had finally created us something from themselves alone!!! That didn't really came out right!!!

Haxx Hustun Studios Banner Poster Shrine #VersionEight - (Created on: Sept. 14th, 2024 - Sept. 22nd, 2024) After just nine days in making here in #SeptOf2024, it's finally been created!!! Kind of a bad time though, but still, it was worth it at the end!!!

Jax Justun Studios Fan-Made Parody Header #9 (Part Two) - (Created on September 28th, 2024) More official Jax Justun Studios staff have been more recovered then ever folks!!!! And it's now September 28th, 2024!!!!!!

HHS Parody Character Cartoon Poster #25 - (Created on: September 26th, 2024) My deepest apologies for them long parody delays, but now, here on September 26th, 2024, it's finally been created!!!!!

2024 DDS Parody Character #13 - Mlaud-Viarus (Created on: September 23rd, 2024) My goodness, another one!!!! How's Draxx Dustun Studios getting so good at all of this here!?!??!!! This was their #13thParodyMascot as of today been created here!!!!

2024 DDS Parody Character #14 - Sir Nudbbal (Created on: September 23rd, 2024) WOW!!! Draxx Dustun Studios has done it again here!!!! And it's not even the end of #SeptemberOf2024 just yet right there!!!!! That rhyme sucks, I know folks!!!!

Jax Justun Studios End Credits Song/Video - (Created on: Sept. 22nd, 2024) Hello everybody!!!! How's it going so far here!!! Today's now September 23rd, 2024, and today I got something very interesting here!!!!

2024 Recalled HHS Parody Character #15 - Mayor Dayeor (Created on: Sept. 28th, 2024) Well folks, after nearly months on end, our official parody-like GMOD creature of both Napature Science & HHS has finally been created!!!!

HHS Cartoon Depiction #38 (For Due-Eye-Say “The Doose-Eye Box” or "DooseEye BirdMcCaw") - Created on: Sept. 24th, 2024 Oh boy!!! It's the morning folks!!! And it's now September 24th, 2024!!!! And of course, we have something fun here!!! WAIT!?!?! Is.....