The Cardinal Crusade

7 years ago

The Last Five Months in The Cardinal Crusade


So it’s been over five months since our last proper dev log. Not good, not good at all. Moving on from that though, we’ll update you all on the last five months!

Over the last five months we’ve been working on the second world of the game. That’s been our sole focus and we’ve hit plenty of speed bumps along the way. Things like bugs, schooling and work have all slowed us down. We are nearing world two completion though!

After starting world two, it became apparent our platforming physics weren’t enough for what we wanted. We were using a fairly old framework, the same one we used for our jam game, Super Tyrone Land. It worked well but it wasn’t enough for some of the more advance platforming behaviors we needed. So the first major road block was re-writing the platforming framework. This was a pretty major change as it was the base for the player and much of the enemy movement, rewriting this caused a lot of bugs.

After getting the new framework stable enough to resume progressive work we got back to working on new levels and enemies to go in said levels. Following a rough draft of the world we pushed forward. It was a bumpy ride, with pretty much every new level Anton would find another bug or two… or ten. We made it through though! Right now we’re working on the final cutscene for world two. There is some polish needed in game feel and effects but since we aren’t releasing another demo we wont need to worry about those sorts of things as much as when we did world one for the demo. We can work on world three and adjust world two without any major issues overtime..

To finish this off here are some screen shots from world two so far.


We hope to start posting more often again. The next week or so will be dedicated too fixing the major game breaking bugs of world two before we move onto world three. Also keep in mind the Christmas season. Posts over Christmas and New Years will be little to non existent.

Don’t forget to hit that follow button if you want to follow along with us and the development of this game!

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Next up

We took @Benallen 's suggestion and improved the map view even more by changing the colour of rooms you've entered, further clarifying where you've been so far; and thus where you might want to go next.


The Control update!

We've update the controls in Eldritchvania to make it more enjoyable.

Check the article for details!


Thanks all!

Don't forget to Wishlist Eldritchvania!

A transformation Hello, in this devlog we’re showcasing an animation where the player character transforms into a smaller, flesh monster. Why is this in the game? What purpose does it serve? Perhaps more will be revealed soon…

We're back with another update to Eldritchvania!

The focus here was accessibility, namely the flashing effects included throughout the game.

We've added the option to turn off flashing effects!

Bug Fixes!

Since the last Eldritchvania update we've been reading feedback and watching game play videos; which lead us to witnessing and fixing more bugs.

Check the article for the list of fixes

Hi all!

A huge thanks to everyone who has played and left feedback for Eldritchvania so far!

This first update is all bug fixes and you can see exactly whats been fixed in the article below.

The Cardinal Crusade Demo release!

A look at a new enemy: The Core Guards Today we would like to show off one of the new enemies that you will encounter in world 3. These large, brutish soldiers are well armoured and will surely put up a fight! … Even if they have apples for heads.

The Cardinal Crusade Demo Release! Friday 31 March