1 month ago

the level of DarkWood world of little dark 2 JTL is almost done



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personagens principais do jogo | game principal personages

MOTIVO: o computador0102 (no qual fazemos os jogos) deu tela azul, arrumamos e perdemos os documentos do jogo caso tenham uma dica é só comentar...

REASON: computer0102 (on which we make the games) gave a blue screen, we fixed and lost the game documents if you have a tip just comment...

muito obrigaod pessoal pelos 50 seguidores agradeço há todos vocês | thank you very much guys for the 50 followers I thank you all

iremos fazer Devlogs

play now the prototype | jogue agora o prototipo

devlog # 1 // little dark 2 jtl // Building the first level part1

i am bilding the map of ld2 guys what you think above?

its like super mario world

These texts were supposed to be buttons can anyone tell me how to fix them in gdevelop? please comment...

Hello guys, the overworld map of game little dark 2 jtl (journey to liudy), is almost ready and i add the MAGMAVALLEY: