Sally.exe: Whisper Of Soul Remake (Unofficial)

9 months ago

The "Limp City" Dev-log

For the past 3 days, I did the entirity of Sally's saving route and I guess this is a good time to talk about Sally's sword if you are not in the SoH Recoded Server.

Sally will now have 3 elements instead 5 and when you get to the end of the elements, the game will default you back to the first element instead of being empty handed. The elements staying are Fire, Eletricity and Wind

South Tropics is very slightly shorter due the smaller amount of elements and it looks the same as the original except in wide screen but Limp City got a clean overhall. For those who don't know, in Sonic.exe The Distater 2D Remake, Limp City was included being one of the maps you can play on and there it was given a huge overhall. Thanks to Storm (Stormdev on discord), he gave me the new and improved Limp City to use in this game!

That's all for now.



Next up

i hate this game

The game has a Twitter Account now:

A comparison of the original and the Remake's visuals!

(I left a little voice acting in there too! And a teaser or two)

aprils foolz

Devlog - March 2024

Regarding the New Granny Update and DUCN:

Holy shit 500 followers on GameJolt!!!!! And some news I guess