24 days ago

The Love Story of Xubur and Sonic

Ft: @xubur_cat

Part 1:

In the bustling city of Pixelopolis, amidst the neon lights and digital sounds, there lived a mysterious figure known only as Xubur. Xubur was a person of enigmatic charm, always seen wearing a purple rabbit mask that concealed their identity. One fateful evening, Xubur stumbled upon a virtual realm where they encountered Sonic, the iconic blue hedgehog from the hit game "Five Nights at Sonics." Despite their differences, Xubur found themselves drawn to Sonic's adventurous spirit and unwavering determination. As they embarked on thrilling escapades together, Xubur's heart fluttered in ways they had never experienced before.

Part 2:

However, their newfound love was not destined to be without obstacles. Enter Willie, a mischievous character resembling a cheap knock-off of Mickey Mouse. Willie, fueled by jealousy and spite, discovered Xubur's affection for Sonic and vowed to tear them apart. With cunning schemes and devious tricks, Willie attempted to sabotage their relationship at every turn, causing rifts and discord between Xubur and Sonic. Despite their best efforts to fend off Willie's interference, the couple found themselves facing increasingly difficult challenges that threatened to tear them apart.

Part 3:

But love, as they say, conquers all. In a dramatic climax, Xubur and Sonic found themselves alone atop a virtual skyscraper, their hearts entwined despite the chaos surrounding them. Just as they leaned in for a tender kiss, Willie appeared out of nowhere, his presence a dark shadow looming over their moment of bliss. With a malicious grin, Willie unleashed his ultimate act of betrayal, pushing Xubur and Sonic off the edge of the skyscraper in the most outrageous, flamboyant manner imaginable. However, even as they plummeted towards the pixelated abyss below, Xubur and Sonic clung to each other, their love stronger than ever before. And as they landed safely on solid ground, they knew that nothing, not even the antics of a jealous rival, could ever come between them again.



Next up

Hello fartass!

Hey guys

Check out my brand new NFT!

It's on sale for 69420 cents!

Get one before it's too late!

I made a Max jumpscare

Poop theater..

Good one gamejolt!

Keep destroying your website with useless bullshit that no one likes!

Seriously tf is going on with this site


- silly goobers!!!! - --------------------------------- characters by @Bop__ , idk kind of bored quick doodles! also back to normal art posts, no more silly posts.

Oh shit

Today is my spawnday
