10 days ago

The month where i act more gay than usual



Next up

Man I forgot i had this stupid app

Here’s a random ketch that I gave up on cuz it fucking sucks

the oc was I think Homestuck but I might dump him

scheduled post

day of birth

adrrerrruuhghhhh I’m prolly on a plane rn I dunno

uhhhh whoo second birthday on gayjolt

interaction bait MAX

or I’m halfway dead from the fentanyl


important thing ig

any ppl who hv been here since the beginning of my era (💀)

who misses this shithead, Kat

aurrgjfkskow silly guy

I’m getting up at 3am to go to 7/11 so I might post more later


I drew jevil the silly jester

I had such a good fucking dream