Hi guys!
First of all I wanted to inform you that today is Five Nights at Garry's first birthday!
To celebrate, I wanted to say a few things about the game's future.
First of all I wanted to announce that I'm working on a reboot/reimagination of the game, called "Five Nights at Garry's: The golden age"
The intencion of the project is to expande the game, and also make the game look darker and creepier.
Here are some things that you can expect from the game:
-There will be side missions
-There will be new characters and old characters redesigns
-There will be lots of extra content
-The old gameplay will have some improvements
-There will be new 8-bit minigames that will tell somethings about the story, and also the old ones will be improved
Also here's a full body render of Garry

The rig issues will be fixed, don't worry
And also a game page will be made, once the game is in a more advenced development state