FNaF 1: Expanded Custom Night
1 month ago

The new characters for the update are done being programmed! Ballora works exactly how she always has, and Bon Bon and Bonnet just need a click to go away. Very simple! However, I've heard DeeDee has a new friend, wonder who that could be?👀👀



Next up

And it's done!

Development stopped for a bit but has resumed

Some old teasers from @70s_Rat

(not entirely accurate to gameplay or story but I frankly do not care)

Happy 10 years FNaF!

Also a while ago I gave a friend an early copy for beta testing and he did this to it.

The Expansion 1 update is now available for FNaF 1 ECN!

Below is a list of changes, I may have missed some. I don't remember every little thing I do. Some adjustments are made mid play testing because it feels better and those are hard to remember.

After a slight UI rework and removing some redundant buttons, we've got room for two new characters! Any ideas?

New fellas oh boy

Hey guys, sorry the update is taking so long. Basically, got demotivated and life happened, but it should be out relatively soon. It will also have a bit more than GJ trophies, but not much. Thank you all for your patience.

Terrence. He is immune to the gameplay, and the lore is immune to him. He is simply Terrence. The best Night Watch at Chuck E's character.

Image by @70s_Rat

If I figure out the Gamejolt API tomorrow's update (please future me get it out on time) will add trophies. Other than that it will just be bug fixes and some small tweaks to endless mode.