5 months ago

The new game "Thirty-four" is coming soon

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Ладно, не плохая получилась история Пойду другой проект делать

Блять... я не хочу получать статус гея...

Я пожалуй два денёчка воздержусь от гамежолте

Hello everybody! I want to tell you what I've been working on since the previous post.I have increased the resolution of the sprites from which the game zone is built,I have also added a separate setting for particles,and at night you will have fireflies!


Hi guys. I want to add a simple potion system. To do this, I changed the plant growth system. Now it is more similar to the one that is used in ordinary minecraft. I also want to ask everyone who can subscribe to my https://boosty.to/skethdraw

Учите русский. Пишите правильно Не обязательно всегда, но пишите (в этом посте есть грамматические ошибки))))

Ну чё ребят, новая сложность в ГД - гэрэЕнка

Well, guys, a new difficulty in the GD is the gerayenka

I added rock paper scissors.

Куда столько много?