4 years ago




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A small Sir Pentious drawing I did cause he's my fav character (Beside Husker) And his design is might fun to draw!

Hey guys what's up!! Yeah it's me! It's been like AGES since I last posted here! Ok Quick context: School! Anyways I was thinking, I have heaps of time before I'm busy again so I want to post some art here heheh! Glad to be back here!


Look who got a new redesign? YEP Veridian has a new drip now

( I think I made her more harder to draw lmao!)

Anyways yes I hope you like the new fit and new ref sheet (if this counts as one!)

Yes back into the Gamejolter tale project for about one day XD

I loved how so many people ( about 100 XD) were interested in this project I was so appreciative but I sadly just forgot about it ( stupid me!!)

Well more detail in article!

I did this trend on tik tok hehehe

Lazy design squad, its blooky. Thx for reminding me he didnt have a design yet.

I'm questioning if I should go back to being online here and posting stuff because I haven't drawn alot and in so unmotivated TvT

Any advice? (I think I really need to know how to stay online here and im terrible at making good content to stay active lol)

Help this sucks so much XD

Anyways yeah I drew my two favourite demon slayer characters because they meet in the Kimetsu Academy manga and its sooo cute!!

I always thought this scene was cute

I got such a bit inspiration from a Billie Eilish song called Ocean eyes that I absolutely love and I thought about an oc of mine called Kioz who has blue eyes so I decided to play around with some new styles and stuff while drawing his eye and i love it!