A pretty crazy year if I say so myself. It was probably my most productive year out of all of them. I've met some great friends throughout the year, developed, fully finished two games, and my motivation was at an all time high.
Back in 2022, you'd have to pay me to actually start something and finish it with the little motivation I had.
2023 was also a great year for my skills. I've learned how to be so much neater when it comes to my art or my games, and I'm glad that this was the year to start learning new techniques.
And I've gotten to meet great people that I am so glad I got the chance to talk to and befriend.
TL;DR, the year was great for skills and friends and motivation blah blah blah
It's not too long of a list, but it's a set of goals I want to accomplish before 2024 is over.
Finish and Release Crazy's Spooky Game: Remastered (April 5th, 2024: Crazy's Anniversary)
Update and Patch Some Night with Box
Restart an old unfinished fnaf project of mine (Hint: its main theme is consequence)
Compete in a game jam and finish the game (pretty inconsistent with that)
Revisit old game ideas (both fnaf and non-fnaf)
Learn music composition
It's not the longest list, but it's great that I have goals in mind. There's no chance that everything on the list will be done, but I'm at least gonna try.
Make sure to go follow them, they're great people and are just so fun!
@TheBlueSphere @wizerdd2
@Treewater @-Little_Devil_Darling-
Anyway, thanks for reading and supporting me, all 433 of you (that amount of followers is crazy) and I hope you make the next year the best year for yourselves