Sonic.exe Double Story: Two sides of the same fate

2 months ago

The old version

Hi everyone, as you know, I'm currently remaking Double Round almost from scratch. But, I have an old version of Double Round lying around, where the character paths have been half changed, and worst, Boys ‘n Sally solo and Amy/Cream duo ending has been added. Fixed a couple dialogs, and some sprites. This version will not be polished or updated. This version is not what you saw in the posts below. Anyway, I can post it, just so I don't have it lying around for nothing.




Next up

I don't know how to describe this level correctly, probably something like: "Loss in space"

Hey, everybody, it's me again. I want to say that my friend has his own discord server. There will also be posts on Double Round, if you are interested, join his server.


New graphics and even a couple new levels! And of course changed physics. (Outdated)

New (Outdated)

Yesterday I made 2 levels for Tails, and 3 are ready for 30%

The initial levels for girls are almost ready, the only thing left is Sally's level. Then you will get 1 demo with Amy and Cream. I say right away that there will only be a slightly different end from the one you survived for.

At least something new!

Devlog 30/04/2024

What the

The girls are completely finished