It was a windy day in England, the streets was empty, only a few people walked, people stayed at home, and Popgoes and his friends were busy at the pizzeria.
Popgoes: Hey Bonnie! Why do I need to mop the floors?!
Bonnie Glade: Oh, the floors were pretty dirty yesterday.
Blake: Can you please shush, I’m fixing the arcade machine!
Popgoes: Oh, again, aren’t there enough bugs that are fixed?
Blake: Yes! But every time I fix the arcade machines, more bugs appear!
Popgoes: Get on with it!
Saffron: Hey guys! I brought some cupcakes, I hope they taste good!
Sarah: Oh, really? I was expecting something better.
Saffron: But cupcakes are fun to make! You should try it.
Sarah: Nah, no thanks, I rather listen to Popgoes’ songs rather than try your, ‘evil’ cupcakes.
Saffron: ‘Evil’?!