4 years ago

The original drawing is from @Tigersonalex



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Give me your opinion

I stay well?

1. How do i stay?

2. Give me ideas for more images

Sonic's birthday is almost here!

Check your quest log on June 21st to start the celebration!

(His birthday is the 23rd, but our party starts early.)

Imagine if Sonic Heroes was on the GBA

(not 100% accurate but just a fun idea I had)

Ever wonder if Sonic ever had a home?

This Satuday we invite to watch another #speedpainting of our artist Daniel Faiad.

How great is this scene of #Pecaminosa?

#ScreenShotSaturday | #IndieDev | #DigitalArt

Chiaki Nanami!

Another house i made long time ago.

Quantum precognition is one of the most powerful cards. End game cards & equipment. Demo/alpha build boss is no match for this deck.