5 months ago

The Past is not the Future

We are sorry for inconvenice to our Services, we do our best to improve our Safety Measures to our Services Management.


Team Wire Firey France has been looking for Ways to improve their Community, but it gets worse than it gets, that's why we try to make attention to our Upcomming Projects.

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Next up

Team Wire Firey Europe has been Developing All out of content since 9 Years now! Thank you all for your support around Europe and around the World to the Culture!

Hey Reddy, Guess what ?


Stay Tuned!

It's happening next week!.

Remember guys, I'm working on a TWF Direct for October 19th 2024 and i take Trailers Submissions until October 15th 2024, submit your Trailer on the TWF Discord Community if you have one: https://discord.gg/3SKAzK5U3j.

We Updated Our Official Large Logo.

You can refind the TWF Direct right here for people that didn't watched:


Something new is Comming.

Wired Music Awards is arriving to Wired TV Shows

[Read Article]

Each TWF Accounts now has brand new Designs.