Alternative Ultimate Custom Night (Official Fan Game)
6 years ago

The people that run Impossible Custom Night

Hey guys, I really didn’t want to deal with this issue, but it keeps coming up and I’m finally done with it.

I am going to show you exactly what the people of ICN have done to me, and I am so tired of it.


I don’t have a problem with the entire ICN team, it’s primarily the user XSlayerXP, who has been harassing me and my staff for a long time now.

You may be wondering, why is he doing this? Well, I’m going to give you the full story, I won’t change it in any way to make me seem like the good guy, this is the full thing.

Slayer used to be a renderer for AUCN, and don’t get me wrong, the renders were really good, but eventually he started significantly slowing down on the rate he would produce things. I asked him if he could maybe go a bit faster, I don’t remember exactly what happened after, but he didn’t really make renders as fast as he used to.

Next, Slayer kept going on and on about how he was going to hell. I really didn’t say anything to cheer him up, because I’m not religious. I really didn’t know how to handle that situation, but after a few days of him doing this, he finally quit the dev team.

At first I thought nothing of this, nothing goes perfect after all. He then made an announcement of the UCNMP discord server (He was a helper at the time) saying that he quit AUCN because I was rushing him. I personally saw what I did as a passing by comment, I don’t personally feel like I was rushing anyone. You can ask Hephaestus or anyone that worked on AUCN, I was (for the most part) pretty chill about how long it took people to make things.

Then, he made a new announcement saying that I needed to remove all of his renders from AUCN. Now I have to admit, I’m not the most innocent of people. I never removed the renders. How I see it is; he made the renders for AUCN, therefor it belongs to AUCN. Slayer did not see it the same way and he made announcements claiming that his renders were “copyrighted” and that I couldn’t use them for AUCN.

I then went offline for a day, because I didn’t want to deal with all the sh*t I was getting, he then took this as an opportunity to tell people that I committed suicide. A lot of people believed him, when I returned, he spun that into I attempted suicide but survived.


Suicide is a very serious topic, and in my mind, the worst thing about this rumor is that it took attention away from people who really needed it.

Slayer begun to get hate from him spreading these rumors, so he did what any reasonable person would do when they start to get hate. He told people that if they continued to dislike him, he was going to kill himself. I absolutely hate it when people make these claims, there are real people out there who find life to be a literal struggle and they don’t think they can continue living on in this world. It makes me even more upset that these people would lie just to get free sympathy points.

Luckily, no one bought his claim, and he never killed himself, so he clearly wasn’t serious about it. From this moment Slayer learned that he couldn’t win through sympathy, and he went with a new strategy; to threaten the AUCN team.


You read that correctly! He tried to find my address!


Luckily, he didn’t end up finding my address, but he did find it for Hephaestus, the creator of the OST at the time.

After he found Hephaestus’ address he sent this to me.


I’ve crossed out all of his personal information for safety purposes, but just know he sent Hephaestus pictures of his house.

Now I can admit, until this point, me and Slayer have both been in the wrong, but leaking his address(Yes, he did put it up on the UCNMP discord.) was WAY too far! He tried to find my address but failed, and he also tried to get the addresses of some of AUCN’s fans. They didn’t even work on the game, and they’re also being harassed by this guy!

Hephaestus quit AUCN because he didn’t feel safe working on the game anymore, and I really didn’t want to make a post about it because I didn’t want to cause more drama. Well I wasn’t until earlier today, when I got this threat for no reason.


I need to admit something to everyone here; AUCN is not fun for me anymore. I used to enjoy working on AUCN, but Slayer has completely ruined this for me. He turned a safe place where I can enjoy myself into an uncomfortable environment where I always feel like someone is going to attack me.

I can’t cancel AUCN, I’ve spent too much time on it, and I can’t disappoint all of you by quitting, so don’t take this as a cancellation post.

I just wanted to make this post saying “XSlayerXP, please leave me alone.” You’ve already ruined this for me, you’ve already won. Just please stop messaging me, please stop making posts about me. I just want to have a game with a fun fanbase that supports what I do. Just please, XSlayerXP, please stop.

To all of you that care, if you have something positive to say, please leave it in the comments section or the discord server

Thank you all for putting up with AUCN for the last 2 months, it’s really meant a lot to me, and also Log 2 will be coming out tomorrow, so get excited for that.

Welp, I’m off to go program the 36th character!



Next up

Grand Canyon.

Need a hand?

Prepare for takeoff!

Leave no stone unturned.

Wake up. (Get trolled! we added a character after all!)

No light can save you now.

I am the wires hidden in darkness.

It's showtime!

A new contender.

You can not escape death.