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New battle ui, hope you all enjoy it!!
I'm planning on improving this page! You'll see...haha
From reality! Here's a background for my game inspired by omori....Hope you enjoy!
Hey all.... I'm happy to announce that the demo songs are on spotify!
You can easily find them by typing reiletizia.... here's the link, enjoy!…
Also heres our discord link
Happy st valentines day! Love you all!
After and before....
Hope you enjoy it!
I'm working my hardest to bring a demo !
How'd you like the new layout?
To see the about you can click on the game profile and click about
It's worth it, trust!
Hey all! Hope you enjoy this animation
Improved battle ui for procrastinationmind!
Hey! You'll never guess what im working on! You should keep your eyes wide open for something special..... until then...
Merry Christmas from Rei and Piggy! Love you all!