10 days ago

The promised art challenge in the article!

Read the rules please ^^

Post a fusion (made by yourself) of 2 of your favorite characters into one with the tag #FusionGhostChallenge and @GHOST30


This challenge won't have "winner" is just for fun, but if you get to make the hardest to guess fusion you will have surely won my respect as an artist UwO


•Don't reveal what characters you fusion, let me and your followers try guessing them!

•Have fun!

•No nsfw content

•No AI art

•Put a warning if the drawing is scary

Side notes:

To guess, the name of the characters will be enough, no need to mention their AU's if they are variations of characters like Dewritten Jevil by example.

The @ is for me to find the art and the # is for having all the art together.



Next up

Guess who is ALSO a dynamite boy?

This one is for you @sans_red

I'm done

Damn everything

. . .

Happy Pride month: Gay

Ft. Pride

lmapls no...

minecraft frog

#digitalart #fanart

I don't know....

Thanks @KaioPW ^^

Me creating a fanon on character?? Pfft.. I would never. | Anyways… this is Marietta and I adore her 👉👈 | I don’t have a backstory for her, other than maybe the cat part is from a curse or failed spell | fandom is dungeon meshi :)

Idk :<