1 year ago

[the radio picks up an unknown transmission hailing from beyond the known world...]

[static] Incoming transmission [static]
"Ancient's Diary of the Hunt... still no trace of the Eleventh Sister after searching for the past eight years... Reaper mentioned that I should check the Craters, since that's where the original four Realmseekers fought the Demon's Titans back in the days... I should probably follow the instructions of the old man, since he knows better...
I left this transmission on repeat, for anyone that is to help... Searching for answers will only tell the how, not the why. The Order's Blade, out. Repeat transmission."
[transmission cut]

Here we go, new lore bits about the Order of Seventeen, and their backstory.

The Origins
So, basically, the original team was called the Realmseekers. The group was made after an encounter with the Demon's Titans, Fire Titans from times before humanity's precursors. The Demon's Titans were unleashed from hell, to burn the multiverse into scorching ashes. Reaper, the Eleventh Sister, and two other reality warpers allied to take this threat down by united force, successfully repelling the Nightless Curse's threat of flames. After this encounter, the Realmseekers came to be, with the never changed goal to keep an eye out for worlds and their safety.

The Realmseekers
The group slowly went up from having four members, to sixteen members, the group's self-claimed leader being Reaper. In truth, there was no actual leader, and there still isn't. It was after the Four Years Long War, when Reaper decided to go around worlds, hearing a lonely voice calling out for help through the realms out there. Months later, Reaper found a dying world, having only one survivor left, fighting the last battle for death. With Reaper's intervention of the cruel fate awaiting the lonely, dying survivor, the Ancient we know today came to be, joining the Realmseekers as the seventeenth member.

The Order of Seventeen
After Ancient joined the Realmseekers, the Eleventh Sister took the young reality warper as her student. Ancient learnt many things, including how to bear the sorrow of a soulless and worldless reality warper whose powers just have awakened. Reaper and the rest of the group's members have agreed and renamed the Realmseekers to the name we know them as now... the Order of Seventeen.

The Vengeful Hunt
Three years after the rename of the Order, the Eleventh Sister left on an adventure to record more information for the Order's immerse Archives... and never returned. Ancient, grown bored of having to wait for the obvious nothing, started to collect clues, finding out that the Eleventh Sister took a diary with her on the journey, but they were unsure which one. Growing used to their powers, Ancient decided to leave the base of the Order of Seventeen, going after their lost mentor, thus starting Act II of their story, and Corruption Lore, the aftermath to World's Fall, where they learnt about the being controlling the Corruption itself, yet not the reason why it came to be. At first, through failures, but improving on those, Ancient continued their unrelenting hunt for their lost mentor, through worlds.

The Void
Ancient later on appeared in the Void, summoned to help three people stuck in a timeline collision, thus beginning Act III. After retaining order in the chaos, Ancient met a new enemy, and through a newly met ally, acquired something dangerous enough to be able to destroy an entire world... the Void's pure power. With their newly found powers, they continued their journey, occasionally bumping into and beating even gods.

Present-Year 8 of the Hunt
It's been eight years since Ancient began the Hunt for their lost mentor. Without much to progress to the truth, they have beaten gods. But now, the perpetrator was found. The fate of the Eleventh Sister still remains unknown. Ancient could drive the evil away, for once.

A sinister threat lurks within the past... it is now or never that fate reveals my destroyer... and so, I will have my revenge, the one for my fallen world. Mark my words...
The end is coming for this war fought so long...
[transmission end]
Act IV coming SOON



Next up

Scene 6- art based on the Malefactor class introduction, "Terrible things are done at the heart of despair. She is gone, but you remain."

How I imagined Bearfirth from Story Excerpt-The Morning. The original Malefactor.

The two different types of shrimp

Screenshot taken and cropped from a chat with a fellow member of my school's choir in Messenger


The comic's first page is being worked on, rough sketch state

There isn't much to it, just two traditional art scenes left unfinished

And the full page progress. Not much improved on scene 4, will make it sometime later.

Work-in-progress ref sheet for the Forestborn

Really interesting character in his own way.

Working on a lil something (Colonial Marine cosplay from Aliens, making my own OC's armor)

Armor decals based on the ones in Aliens Fireteam Elite

I recently drew these two

Chad Malefactor and silly Bronze Locust

Progress with the sketch

Scene 4 is how the Forestborn died prior to the comic's start, the character behind the killing blow won't be revealed and isn't canon to Undying at all other than the death. It's none of the characters in my lores, too.

Still cooking...

Made more progress with the fifth scene.

He was not seen without the Malefactor Whitewood Mask before.