gamer4life's "Gamer" Custom Night
3 years ago

The Rage of Mayhem Update

The Rage of Mayhem Update is released in this game collab.

Here are the update notes:

-Added CrazedLife's Chaos Mode Look

-Added the AMs Time

-Added Fley gamer4life

-Added Hell Mode (it is unfinished, maybe). You'll get a surprise for when you beat Hell Mode...

-Changed CrazedLife's AI where you can deal with him once



Next up

VIRUS Origins Wario.

can we get this freak out of scratch permanently please

This guy has to be the most biased thing I've ever seen.

Beta invitation, expires after 7 days.

this jit remains lost media

Gameplay Teaser

i really need some context

the amount of fazbear reborn's stuff being lost media IS genuinely insane