Super Scratch Programming Adventure
8 years ago

The Release Date and the Game Itself

We just want to tell that SSPA is almost done and the release date

You see we are just kids running a company so school started so we won’t have time to finish the game. No no no no we are not going to cancel the game if that’s what you’re thinking. We’re still working on it. Because of school work the game may be release around late October to mid-December

Now For the game itself
The game is about a book call Super Scratch Programming Adventure. In this book, kids learn programming fundamentals as they make their very own playable video games. They’ll create projects inspired by classic arcade games that can be programmed (and played!) in an afternoon. Patient, step-by-step explanations of the code and fun programming challenges will have kids creating their own games in no time.

This full-color comic book makes programming concepts like variables, flow control, and subroutines effortless to absorb. Packed with ideas for games that kids will be proud to show off, Super Scratch Programming Adventure! is the perfect first step for the budding programmer

We combined all of the projects in the Book into one huge project

Now for the Characters

Scratchy— An energetic cat living in cyberspace, he is what you expect from a cat on the Internet He curious and impulsive

The Cosmic Defenders—Gobo, Fabu, Pele, Rata, Legs, And Whiptail—The Cosmic Defenders are trans-dimensional space aliens who can travel through time and space. Their main job is to maintain balance between Cyberspace and the real world.

The Dark Wizard— The Dark Wizard is a shapeless yet powerful and vengeful spirit with unknown origins. Nothing stops his ambitions of destroy the balance between the worlds and time and space

The Dark Minions— These pesky foes are people that have fallen to the dark side. (like Rata, Legs and Whiptail)They work for that Dark Wizard

thanks for you patience
-Ender Dragon Enterprises



Next up

Successful landing


Shadow The Hedgehog X pixel art

Just a Pico sprite

Strange Umbrella

A Shiny Mega Gengar 🌟 For @ManutkArt 's #ThreeColorsChallenge!

Demonstration of the spells and their effects :)!

Shuiro Haname. #Commission

Commission for @ShuHaname

If you’ve played the Vault demo and enjoyed it, please consider ‘liking’ the game page here on Gamejolt and/or leave a comment!

Also please consider tossing Vault on your Wishlist, I really appreciate your support!

We're knee deep in multiple large features and "game feel". Quick peek behind the scenes in this weeks Dev Blog:

Our menu, gathered a huge feedback and positive comments among foreign audience, what you say? Game Steam: