Woodlands Alpha (Discontinued) (Read Log)
8 years ago

The Return of Woodlands!

Hello everyone!

Yes I know it has been a long long time now since the last time i’ve spoken to you wonderful people over the internet. Woodlands the game i’ve been developing over the last year or so is not inactive or dead! I just want you all to know it is still in heavy development, and it is getting better every single day. I’ve been really silent the last few months, because a lot has been going on in my life right now. Keeping up with my School, my Family, and my work is a job in and of itself. However, I assure you all there will be more updates to the game, and very much so frequently. For a while I was really stuck in a rut while developing this game. I felt like I had gotten myself in way over my head, but you know who has kept me afloat? It is all you guys you wonderful people. Your continued support and nice words have kept me going when all I wanted to do was give up. I promise you all now that I will give this game all I have, and no matter where it lands it will be a mark on my and your futures. None of this would have been possible without all of y’all. With a lot of weight on me right now however, it makes it hard to keep the tools and get the assets I need to create the game. From phone bills, to car payments, to keeping my domain to my website, to assets, licenses, and more it all costs a lot. All of my work that I do comes out of my own pocket. So I apologize if this development is slow to everyone’s liking. I am doing the best I can. As some of you may know Unity5 was released last summer, and boy is it awesome, and train wreck inducing. Basically, since it was released I decided I was going to recreate Woodlands from the ground up. It is a lot of work, but it’s always getting better. I hope to have updated pictures and a new release out soon. I know this isn’t our usual “Update Thursdays”, but we will be back on track soon. I just want to again thank you guys all so much. 41k people have viewed my game, another 4k have played my terrible broken releases of the game… It just means so much to me that you guys want me to succeed. So no matter what i’ll give it all I got, and then try harder. I’ll talk to you wonderful people again soon.

Until Next Time,

-Seth Lead Dev



Next up

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