The Ruins start how you expect... Just with a twist. Before you wake up, you briefly talk to Chara, who has the appearance of a blank vessel. (Visual coming soon.)
They speak:
Hello. I am Chara.
But you already know that, right partner?
It's funny, we've done so much together.
We befriended everyone. We killed everyone.
And now, you're looking for something 'new.'
You've reset 241,032 times.
Aren't you bored? Aren't you tired?
That look on your face gives everything away.
Well, all I can say is that something has changed in this world. I can feel it.
You must excited, right?
We'll be partners forever won't we?
They laugh and you wake up to Toriel watching over you. (Won't give dialogue for now.)
Toriel's hypothetical appearance.
You and Toriel proceed to the Ruins, but something's wrong. Toriel notices that the Ruins are quite mepty, and will comment on it.
Eventually, you and Toriel reach the pillars room. She doesn't have any business to attend, but an avalanche causes you two to run through the room. You fall through the floor, now being in a new area. (Visuals soon.)
You progress through the new area, or what I want to call 'The Depths' which is a lower part of the Ruins.
You continued until you reach a room where Napstablook is laying. He gets up and sees you. He speaks:
......ohhhh....... are you that human........?
......your the one that everyone was talking about.......
.......i usually come to the ruins because there are barely no-one here bothers me.......
.......but that avalanche made me fall down.....and now your here.......
........oh im sorry.....i didn't mean to be awkward.....
........i can just leave........
You are now given a choice between these options:
If you stay, then Napstablook will say:
.......well......i was never sorry.......
If you proceed once, then he will say.
......oh no........did i make you mad.........? .......i didn't mean to be awkward.......
Proceed again and Napstablook will say:
........umm.......i dont know how to react to this......
If you proceed once or twice, and then stop, you he will say
.......well....that was sorry for wasting your time......
......lets pretend like you beat me up.......
Proceeding a third time will start a battle.
![sr2c29cae3fd7aws3.gif sr2c29cae3fd7aws3.gif](
Napstablook's hypothetical appearance.
(Context for battle coming soon...)
Once you reach Toriel's home, you first don't see her. But when you go down the staircase of the basement, you find her guarding the door.
On pacifist, she says:
Hello my child. I knew you would make it here safely...
Still, I have some concerns.
Before you fell, a golden flower warned me about you.
He said you would massacre everyone in The Ruins.
I couldn't believe him. I wouldn't believe him...
Even though it seemed like I heard such a story before...
And I'm happy my hopes were true...
There is no dust on your clothes...
And I am proud, my child.
But monsters are disappearing, and I believe a grand danger, lurking somewhere...
So I can't let you go.
Forgive me for this...
Then, the fight would start. However, if you killed ANY monsters along your journey, but don't get to level 3, Toriel will say:
Hello, my child.
It is time I share my concerns to you...
Before you fell, a golden flower warned me about you.
He said you would massacre everyone in The Ruins.
I couldn't believe him. I wouldn't believe him...
Even though it seemed like a story I have heard before...
I refused to believe that a child would do such a thing.
And luckily, you didn't. Not completely, at least.
I know you hurt those monsters in self defense...
But monsters are disappearing, and I believe a grand danger, lurking somewhere...
And I know you wouldn't of gone out of your way to hurt those citizens.
So I can't let you go.
Forgive me for this...
Lastly, on genocide, she would say:
Hello, my child.
It is time I share my concerns to you...
Before you fell, a golden flower warned me about you.
He said you would massacre everyone in The Ruins.
I couldn't believe him. I wouldn't believe him...
Even though it seemed like a story I have heard before...
I refused to believe that a child would do such a thing.
But... I was wrong...
You killed them without mercy...
The excessive dust on your clothes give it away.
Forgive me for this, child.
But I won't let you leave...
Anyway, no matter if you attempt to kill her, or show mercy, someone will jump in when the battle is near it's end... And that someone is Flowey. (Dialogue soon.)
![sr2070c3d3400aws3.gif sr2070c3d3400aws3.gif](
Flowey's hypothetical appearance.
Battle sprite link (Wouldn't download):
But yes, you fight him, he leaves, thats it for now. 5 likes for an update lol. Also which take do you prefer: