Two of Hearts - An Undertale AU
1 year ago

The Second Devlog

(Hey people, just a heads-up: The first few devlogs for this project aren't really going to have much a visual side to them. I'm not much of a concept artist and even lesser a sprite artist, so I can't really make things, let's say, pretty.)

Howdy! I've certainly got some things to tell you all about today.

Battle HUD Update?

I've been working on a new battle HUD. I decided to stick with the basics, since, you know what they say - "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." (For the most part, anyway...)

I decided to go with more stylistic changes, just for originality. Here's a mockup.


(This concept is subject to change in the future)

Also, I've made an example of a dummy battle in Create Your Frisk, just as a showcase, even though it more so showcases Abby's personality. Especially since, to be fair, I couldn't even figure out how to implement the custom buttons and the health bar.

New Music!

As you may have heard in the example video, there is new music to be heard! By the time you read this devlog, hopefully, these music tracks should be up:

A Proper Lesson (Updated) - "Anticipation," essentially.
Monster Clash! - "Enemy Approaching."
Wake Up - The Game Over theme.
Integrity (Yvette's Theme) - Yvette's theme. Kind of speaks for itself, doesn't it?

(All of these tracks may be subject to change.)

Alongside this, I'm also deciding to introduce a new concept - an A-side and B-side to Monster Clash! How this essentially works is that depending on what side of the Underground you're on when fighting (Home or New Home), a slightly different track will play! Now, the differences essentially narrow down to a motif near the end of the song, but I thought this could be a neat touch.

Well, I'm afraid that's all I've got, unfortunately. I would've waited until I had more to show all of you, but I didn't want to stay silent for too large an amount of time.

Nothing exactly substantial has gotten done yet, other than a bunch of music tracks and the story for a few characters, but that's alright. We'll get there soon enough!

With that said, see you all next time.

  • Blitz



Next up

Howdy! I slightly updated the battle example. It can be viewed in the media on the game page this time, but for convenience's sake, here it is.

(This will not be indicative of the final game.)

i felt i needed to share this with the world

i coded this movement for frisk in gamemaker but it's doing this weird thing where when i move diagonally it looks like they're doing this dance around the room

please help

FELLUNDER is now officially in development.

Official Release Date: February 29th, 2030


Here's a mockup for what would have happened in a Genocide route. Not that much different from Undertale, but, hey, it's something.

Deltarune: Shamrock

Happy father's day

This Satuday we invite to watch another #speedpainting of our artist Daniel Faiad.

How great is this scene of #Pecaminosa?

#ScreenShotSaturday | #IndieDev | #DigitalArt

Heya there! I really wanted to show you all a little gameplay preview of the first boss fight i'm currently working on i hope you like it ^^

"Our work is never over" they said.