3 days ago

The Simptronic

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Old Romer

Old Barto

Remade Fnas V2 For @-_Dark_Time_-

Endo (v2)

Old Meggie

I Drew mini RotDust Milhouse/Arlon.

I own everything but him by NicksPerson - https://gamejolt.com/@NickPerson

What app I use - IbisPaint

What tools I use - iPad and Fingers

Btw his arms are inside of his giant Cloth hoodie

This Is A Older Barlis

New Maggie & Old Meggie Are BFF

Plush Barto chewing on New Bart’s Cane.

I own everything but Him & New Bart(Off Screen) By NickPerson - https://gamejolt.com/@NickPerson

What app I use - IbisPaint

What tools I use- iPad and Fingers