3 years ago

The sister garden's big attraction


I know,I know. This edit is bad and doesn't look too good. But I wanted to try my best with it. This is the mighty dragon design for ErikLocation 's game Five nights with froggy: sister garden

You can find the game here!

(1) Five Nights with Froggy: Sister's Garden. Fairy tales become a nightmare ... by ErikLocation - Game Jolt


Знаю-знаю. Эта правка плохая и выглядит не слишком хорошо. Но я хотел постараться изо всех сил. Это могучий дизайн дракона для игры ErikLocation Пять ночей с лягушкой: сестринский сад

Вы можете найти игру здесь!

(1) Five Nights with Froggy: Sister's Garden. Fairy tales become a nightmare ... by ErikLocation - Game Jolt

Hope you like this little christmas gift,ErikLocation. Merry christmas!

Надеюсь, вам понравится этот маленький рождественский подарок, ErikLocation. С Рождеством!



Next up

Happy new years!

Happy holidays GKProduction!

Fact 1: The building used in the menu and ending is an abandoned golden corral building

Fact 2: The game was originally inspired by fnaw before having some inspiration from Five nights with froggy

fact 3: the menu theme is the same theme as fnwf

A little game idea I had

Thanks for 3 followers!

First look at the office!

Happy new years!

Unused content

Merry Christmas Eve!