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@TrashTroydeG @Btchfx i hate you both so much this ''little'' announcement hit me so hard and made me feel like crying

if y’all ever ask me why i’m not active on gamejolt n the fnaf community anymore, this is one of the main reasons why i β€œleft”

oh that's not

Lockjaw voice reveal

real footage of me arguing with homophobic and transphobic christians on the internet

When your phone doesn't recognize your face so you gotta lock in

real footage of britney manson running away from the gr00ming accusations

@Btchfx hold my wig

Announcing a Q&A, leave any question you have about the project or me and I'll try to answer it

And apart from that here's some new advances on the Blake model and also I've achieved the power of gravity and I now know how to make jiggly stuff πŸ™‡

Weshek if he ever met SOPHIE personally