1 year ago

The Tale of the Hair: Part Six (The Final Part!)

Back in the Forest of Locks:

"So let me get this straight," said Pam. "You want to get your revenge on the Watanomie sisters?"

"That's right!" Snatcher replied. "They ruined my life!"

"Then why are you going through with this trouble?"

"It's not just them I'm angry at, it's you too!"


"Have none of you gotten the hint that this is my home?!" cried Snatcher. "This place was perfect before you all trespassed on my land!"

"Well, I'm sorry!" said Pam. "I was just giving directions to the sisters!"

"Too bad! Now let's go to the cave!"

And at the Cave:

Valentina and Harmony found the Golden Hairbrush, but they also found its guardian: Commander Conditioner!

"Uhh... who's a good boy?" Valentina stammered.

"Not us!" said the middle head. "My name is Curly. This is Frizzy on my right, and Wavy on my left!"

"That's right!" said Frizzy. "And you dare-"

"To steal the Golden Hairbrush?" Wavy finished.

"But I didn't mean to steal it!" explained Valentina. "It was my sister who wanted it!"

"I see," Curly said. "Especially seeing that your sister doesn't even have hair!"

"Just for the record," Harmony replied. "I lost my hair trying to get to this hairbrush!"

"How ironic!" said Wavy.

"Now," said Frizzy. "Give us that hairbrush or else!"

"Wait a minute!" said Valentina. "Why do you want this hairbrush?"

"You guys thought it only works on hair, did you?" said Curly.

"Uh, yeah... kinda?" said Harmony.

"Well you're WRONG! It also works on fur as well!"

"So that's why you're the guardian!" Valentina confirmed. "You just want to have the best fur in all the land! In fact, you kinda remind me of my sister..."

"SILENCE!" the three heads shouted. "Now, GIVE US THE HAIRBRUSH!"

Commander Conditioner began to charge forward at Valentina, each with evil red eyes.

"Valentina!" Harmony cried. "Throw it here!"

"You just want to use it for yourself!" said Valentina. "And I'm still angry at you for tricking me, so no! I'm going to give it back to this big doggie!"

"Not if I stop you first!" yelled Harmony. She ran to Valentina and grabbed the Golden Hairbrush!

"Welp, it's your funeral," said Valentina. "I'm gonna go sit down now..."

"Grahaha! The hunt is on, guys!" said Curly.

As Harmony was being chased by Curly, Frizzy, and Wavy, she let the bristles of the Golden Hairbrush touch her scalp. And doing so restored her hair! Only this time it was twice as long as before!

"I did it!" Harmony exclaimed. "I am the first real-life Rapunzel!"

So Harmony kept on brushing her hair, and with every stroke, it grew longer and longer, until it was twenty feet long!

"With my hair by my side, I will send this beast to the pound!" said Harmony.

"Ugh, whatever." Valentina said, not even looking up.

"Now I'll never have a bad hair day ever again!"

"OOH, YOU STOP THAT RIGHT NOW!!!!" the dogs screamed.

They reached down and Curly grabbed the hairbrush with his mouth. But they also picked up Harmony in the process.

"Let me go, Jerome Lester Horwitz!" said Harmony.

"I am not that Curly!" he replied.

"Yeah!" Wavy said. "Now we can-"

"Continue our grooming!" Frizzy finished.

"Valentina! Help!" Harmony shouted.

"Why should I help you?" said Valentina. "You used me to get here and didn't even say 'thank you'!"

"I hate you..." mumbled Harmony.

"Alright then," said Curly. "As the leader of this cave, I think I should get to eat her!"

"No way! I want to eat her!" argued Frizzy!

"But I wanna do it!" said Wavy. "I haven't eaten all day!"

As the three heads of Commander Conditioner kept on fighting, Harmony got an idea! She used her extra-long hair to tickle Curly's nose!

"Ah... AHHHH.... CHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!"

The sneeze caused Curly to not only drop Harmony, but also the Golden Hairbrush! It started bouncing towards the edge of the cave's cliff.

"No! I've gotta save it!" Harmony cried.

Meanwhile, Commander Conditioner was having trouble moving, since their leader was still unconscious.

"Curly, you gotta focus!" Wavy shouted.

"Yeah! Or else we're gonna go down the drain!" yelled Frizzy.

"Too late!" exclaimed Wavy. "We're about to fall!!!"

And it was true! The three of them fell backwards on the edge opposite where the hairbrush landed. But they also kicked Valentina off as well! Luckily she grabbed the ledge.

"Harmony! You've gotta save me!" she cried.

"Huh! I'm getting Deja vu!" Harmony mocked. "I asked you to save me but you said no, so now I'm going to return the favor!"

"Just help me! I'm going to fall!"

"Once I save the Golden Hairbrush and make my hair even longer, then I will think about saving you!"

"Alright, that's it! You want to know the truth, Harmony? About why I can't stand you? It's because no one ever cares about me! Whenever people hear the word 'Watanomie' you're the first thing that comes into people's minds! Know why? You're like, the most beautiful human on the planet! And I'm just an ordinary kid!"

"Well, why didn't you ever ask me to help you?" asked Harmony.

"How could I ask you?" said Valentina. "The most beautiful being ever!"

"Since you're my sister, you can ask me anything!"

"First of all, can you please help me up? I can't hold on much--LONGER!!!!"

Valentina let go of the cliff and started to fall!

"Oh no! I've got to save her!" Harmony exclaimed. "I can't believe she just wanted my help to be more beautiful! Now, what can I use to save her? I'll need something long enough to reach her, and something reliable. Something like, my HAIR!"

Harmony threw her hair down the cliff for Valentina to grab onto, and she did. With a little bit of pulling and struggling, Valentina was able to make it back to the top of the cave!

"Harmony, you saved me!" Valentina said.

"You bet I did!" said Harmony.

"But, why?"

"Well, I can't buy myself another sister! Plus it seems like I owe you some beauty tips!"


"Of course! Now let's hug it out!"

And so, the Watanomies shared a hug. Probably their first hug in years!

"By the way, whatever happened to the Golden Hairbrush?" asked Valentina.

"Well, I last saw it right- OH NO!" shouted Harmony. "It's gone!"

"It must have fallen the same way I almost did!" Valentina replied.

"Ah, who needs it?" said Harmony. I've already got my hair into a miniature Rapunzel!"

"I thought the whole point of this trip was to get you a new hairbrush because your old one broke!"

"Well, maybe you're right, Valentina. But I think this trip was meant to help us bond!"

"Hmm... I think you might be right!"

Just then, a rumbling sound could be heard. And up came none other than Commander Conditioner!

"Guess who's back!" said Frizzy and Wavy at the same time.

"No!" cried Harmony.

"We thought you had died!" said Valentina.

"Well, Curly is still knocked out after what your sister did to him," Frizzy explained. "But now that we've retrieved the Golden Hairbrush, we must devour you both!"

"Harmony!" Valentina whispered. "I have a plan. But first, you'll have to say goodbye to that golden treasure!"

"Whatever," said Harmony. "I've already got all the hair I need!"

So, Harmony and Valentina ran to opposite sides of the cave and stuck out their tongues.

"Get them!" shouted Wavy.

Commander Conditioner charged forward at the Watanomies, but failed to realize that they had created a tripping rope that was just Harmony's hair! And so, they tumbled over, accidentally flinging the hairbrush to Harmony.

"Thank you, Golden Hairbrush." Harmony said to herself. Then she chucked the hairbrush right into Curly's wide-open mouth!

"You fool!" shouted Frizzy. "What have you done? Consuming a magical object that is meant to increase hair/fur growth results in-"

But Frizzy didn't get to finish his sentence. As all three of them exploded everywhere!


"Well, Valentina, We did it!" Harmony cheered. "We're friends again, and my hair is more beautiful than ever!"

"Yeah, I know," said Valentina. "But how are we going to get out of this cave?"

But before Harmony could make a suggestion, the two of them heard a screaming sound.


And the voices belonged to none other than Snatcher and Pam!

"Well, well, well!" said Snatcher. "If it isn't the two people that I have a bone to pick with!"

"I'm sorry," cried Pam. "He threatened to rip me up if I didn't help him find you guys!"

"Oh, great! Not you again!" Valentina moaned. "What do you want?"

"I have come to make things right for you guys invading my private forest!"

"And how are you going to do that?" asked Harmony.

"By doing this!" Snatcher used his claws to cut off Harmony's hair from her neck down!

"No! My hair! What have you done?!"

"I just made things even!" Snatcher laughed. "Since you made me feel miserable, I made you feel miserable! Ta-ta!"

Once Snatcher left, Valentina comforted her older sister.

"It's okay, Harmony." she said. "At least you still have hair!"

"But it's not enough! I needed hair long enough to do anything I want with it!" cried Harmony.

"Let me ask you this:" Pam said. "What would you do if you had that much hair at a crowded mall?"

"I... I don't know..."

"You don't need that much hair, Harmony," said Pam. "The hair you've got right now is more than enough!"

"Well, I suppose you're right!" she replied. "The only thing is, what are we going to do with all this extra hair?"

"One thing's for sure," said Valentina. "It still is pretty if you were to wear it right now!"

"Valentina! You're a genius!"


"Help me take this home, then I'll tell you my idea," said Harmony.

And so, Pam helped Valentina and Harmony make their way back home (through a different route to avoid running into Snatcher). Where they said goodbye, and the Watanomies began making wigs out of Harmony's extra hair!

One week later, the wigs were all finished!

"Since my hair makes me happy, these wigs will make other people happy, too!" Harmony said.

"Of course!" Valentina replied. "Now, I have a surprise for you..."

"What is it?"

"I thought your old hairbrush could use some love," Valentina held in her hand Harmony's original hairbrush all good-as-new!

"Valentina! You fixed it!"

"Of course I did!" said Valentina. "You'll never be able to help fix my hair without that! Speaking of which, I believe you owe me some makeovers!"

"Oh, right... I forgot all about that..." said Harmony. "Yes, I'll help you with that stuff, BUT..."

"Aw, great, now what?"

"You have to sing with me!"

"R U kidding me?!

"Yes! It's incredible how far we've come together as sisters, slowly bonding every step of the way. I think it's time we celebrate!"

"Alright, let's get this over with..."

"We did it!"


We did it, we did it, we did it, hooray! Lo hicimos! We did it!

We shuffled through a swamp that was filled with shampoo, yeah, we did it, we did it, we did it, hooray!

We stopped Snatcher in the hair forest, too, yeah, we did it, we did it, we did it, we did it!

We found the Golden Hairbrush in the cave on the way, we restored my hair on a hip, hip, hooray!


We did it, we did it, we did it, hooray! Lo hicimos! We did it!

I thought that there were earplugs, so my hardest I tried, we did it, we did it, we did it, hooray!

♫But then I figured out that my sister had lied, we did it, we did it, we did it, we did it!

♫And so we worked together then we made some amends, and now we're really sisters till the absolute end!♫




♫We did it!♫




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Next up

Never ask Lisa Loud for a hairstyle...

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The Tale of the Hair: Part Four

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The Tale of the Hair: Part Two

The Tale of the Hair: Part Three

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In a parallel universe where Sammy Stae doesn't know his father:

The Tale of the Hair: Part Five