11 days ago

the truth

Tyler is planning on world annihilation. let me explain, on march 345 on 1289 i went to go visit tyler for interview and we were almost done , i asked if he had any plans for the future, he said."i plans to do destroy this pathetic planet once and for ALL ! and i asked "ok that uh cool but why did think that?" . he responded. " I only people see as pods in my master plan I've been making sense i have been a little bfp and i used all my " friends " to gaslight them into projects for me ,i was planning on 5th to make my torture animatronics jump out of the screen and slaughter everyone at end of my game. however i accidentally spiled my gamer juice on my computer and it exploded, it was ashamed, but then a few centuries later i came up with to release my upcoming game project the road that falls. (evil laugh).i asked him. "So can you tell us when it will be released?" he replied with "nah, i don't wanna". i shed a tear on my flee infested toes. then i got up shook his hand and i got up and left. it took me 356,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,23 years until it hit me. i we shock, appalled, and filled with frustration, and disappointment in my self that i met that man, so made this post to tell you all before the end arrives, because it will probably be the last. ok bye



Next up

erm. what the Blink? guys I think my little brother prank me again (what a silly little dude)

my fav game


this gonna sound stupid as hell but I always thought Carson would have looked like Jesse pinkman

I think we're on the right track...

what did tyler mean by this


Devlog 2: Hi everyone!! I'll show you more screenshots of the game progress (The game is getting closer...)

Rats gotta eat