The Unknown: Prototype

6 years ago

The Unknown V1.1.2 Changelog

Coming This “July 18 2018

Minor Updates

-Added Checkpoint
-Added Hiding Places
-Added Sound When Item Drops
-Added Glow Effect on Ritual Sign
-Added Ritual Sign Cooldown Timer
-Added Closet Key
-Added Settings (Brightness, Mouse Sensitivity etc.)
-Slightly Beautified the Graphics by using Lens Flares.
-Crouch now reduces the chance of being seen.
-Changed some piece placement
-Items now dropped in a forward motion.
-Added Featured Youtubers
-Added a short Ending Cutscene
-Added an Indicator to the Musicbox

Major Tweaks

-Fixed the bug “when caught the game freezes”.
-Fixed the instance when the Girl gets stuck in the floor.
-Made the AI a bit dumber.
-Fixed the front door being opened without keys.
-Fixed the difficulties in picking up items.
-Slightly Adjusted the 3D sound


This game is still not 100% free of BUGS please do report them when you find one thankyou for your continued support.



Next up

I Officially launched a patreon page this page is for people who would like to help me in my journey of Game Developing I hope to create High Quality Games that everyone may enjoy :D

The Plan Of Release

Development Update #3: Slowed Down

Scripting Mania! For The Last 6 Days I was in a Scripting Mood so I Focused on making the functionalities!! At the Moment *33* Scripts *6000+* Lines Is empowering the game’s System

Otherworld - Natureworld1986 (The Unknown OST) Today I asked a talented music composer and at the same day I obtained the permission to use the song. Below is his Channel:

Today this game just reached the Hot games I’m so thankful and happy even though this game isnt that popular. I dont know what it means to everyone but I’m just happy that my first 3D Game is somehow noticed thankyou to everyone who supports me :D

Development Update 4: Full Graphics Rework GRAPHICS REWORK Due to an upcoming sembreak! We will start of by reworking the graphics due to me having a new set of cpu wherein I can optimize well and fine tune graphics!

Unknown World *The Unknown World has Landed!!* It took 3 days to develop and think about how the system would work and its finally done! The Master Bedroom (Unknown World)

Development Update #2: Advertisment!?

The Unknown Major Bug Temporary Unpublish Due to the large bug that made the game almost unplayable, I decided to turn down the V1.0.0 and release a new patch until further notice please bear with me sorry for the inconvenience.