26 days ago

The unusual Shopkeep.

The usefulness of its items offsets how underwhelming this creature is.



Next up

this one is @Deez337 's character

Kasen Draco.

Kasen Ibaraco?

not a very good name, this one.

contest is over!

congrats to @Klazikur_ for winning

2nd is still huge considering what I put on my entry (which you'll see) and the fact that I had to deal with the flu throughout it

expect a video (and probably frug stream) very soon!!!

yeesh all these bug fixes have left a sour taste in my mouth

so allow me to remind you that the current version of heart squad revamp has brand spanking new knocked down sprites courtesy of the lovely @vulture_salesman

The optimistic Bullet Waster.

This creature is at its strongest when surrounded by others.

Reimu Brad.

Bradmu Armkurei.

And to end things off we have

An OC because a friend requested it

Sorry to all the Hart, Five, Childhood Friend, Morty Shidders, Pinhead, and Corpulent Figure fans


The devoted Love Miser.

A cupid that unites you with one of the cards in your deck.

Yuuto Ichika Garth.

Yuuto Ichikarth?


whatever you wanna call him.

...what do you mean you don't know who Yuuto Ichika is?

and finally, this one is @Yoshi_The_Pyrosaur 's

Sakuya Yoshi.

Sakuyoshi the Meidosaur.

the most ridiculous, yet beautiful one of them all.

The raging Charger.

Its build is suited for attacking in two directions while defending from many.

Marisa Lisa.

Malisa Kirisamstrong.

(I could've gone for Terry and called him Terrisa instead but no I wanted to make Malisa)