whats new?
new enemy
new form for the boss
new music
have fun!
whats new?
new enemy
new form for the boss
new music
have fun!
UPDATE: 'Door Of Truth Demo'
Work On Level 4: A mysterious Secret Haunts these halls!
Not yet implemented.
A poem:
Imagine you were flying through space, and one day suddenly... You think you've come to a complete halt... but no... the very stars you used to traverse space vanished...
"Space Polemistis" https://gamejolt.com/games/Space-Polemistis/566693
Sneak peek five...
Sneak peek two...
The game is mostly done, all that's left is bug-testing.
WIP: here's a REAL update coming. Some enemies, one whole new world. new ending.
A new track to listen to while waiting for the continuation, the tracks name is 'THE DOOR'
sorry for the lack of updates:
Remember guys, it would help a lot if you'd help me crush these game bugs and glitches, so please leave a comment and maybe give other feedback to make the game better. And if you end up having fun with the game consider telling your friends.