11 months ago

the wisest words anyone here will hear: in the article

merg isn't the best, he's good yes, but nothing compared to the real UT gods like @MrD-Undertale , @SaltyLily , @MoRoZ_549 , @Acoolnamme , @SilUT , ETC ETC, these people do things that shouldn't be possible, but did it regardless, this isn't meant to be a hate post, its just to say that he's only said to be the best just because he's more popular than them, but has he beaten any FDY game? has he nohitted disbelief? has he managed anything as impressive as the users mentioned? NO, he hasn't, he's just more popular, and as such is memed to never be able to be hit when he'd get deleted regardless of which FDY game he played, again this is NOT a hate post, just trying to get people to understand that the users mentioned are far better than him, and that they should subscribe to their youtube channels, they put effort, merg does too, but he does things way less impressive than what THEY do, thanks for reading this, and have a nice day :D




Next up

final is actual hell

but i knew what i signed up for

(reposted because i forgot the communities lmao)


My bro tried to make a version of Outertale Omega Flowey, which he calls Stargazer Flowey

Keep in mind that he's just starting at arts, so it looks a bit random

So please don't judge him if it looks weird or dumb

Evil creatures that want MY soul.

Reposted cuz I forgot the communities

The silliness grows by the day

No idea what to post, so here's an old pic of Midas

No kills, no deaths, no damage

This happened in a Heist candidate of the day match

I almost won, but I lost when the enemy safe had only 1% HP left ;-;


You: *kills a child's ghost* (somehow)


Note: this is not towards anyone, I just found this and found it funny