3 years ago

The Yeast binds us,

Bringing us together,

Raising us above the sum of our grains.

Truly the Yeast is the core of the Brotherhood of Bread.

Praise the Yeast!



Next up


No characters yet, but some I'm planning to include would be Myself, Alicia, the GUIDANCE cast, Cassey from Clossure, and perhaps some others? Though I think those would have my work cut out for me lol

Btw does anyone have any good art exercises I could do to practice human anatomy and stuff? I'm trying to improve my fundamentals and I think something like that could really help ^.^

Also, lil teaser

Live Steaming a first impressions of Debt Money and Death Book 1 demo by @CUPCAKEMANS


Check out the game for yourself : https://gamejolt.com/games/DEBTMONEYDEATH/540789

Are you?


Behold, 5 days of procrastination, and 6 hours on and off chipping away present, Undyne!

I really tried some new stuff with anatomy and perspective here, been trying to push my boundaries.

Huge thankyou to @SmudgedVolt for helpin out with pointers


Just experimenting a bit

Remember that WIP I posted a few days ago? Yeah well, I decided to start over and uh, check this out instead

(note, this really only took so long cuz I was playin a lot of Elden Ring lol)

EVIL bread!

Can't believe I made this the thumbnail for the Art Archive channel yet never actually reposted it to the Art Archive Channel.

Well, if they can do Christmas in July I guess I can post Halloween in Late June lol