Do you know in tape 3 Amanda tells you to go to a house? Not any house but, I will get into that later, By watching a few videos, Here is the theory I have
If you wait a little bit while she is pointing at the house, The moon and swings disappear, What if I tell you the moon is still there, And It is just a noon moon, And the swing is just in the dark, But When that happens, You can see the monster, That means the monster comes out at mid-night, So that is just an example
When you get in near the house, It is at noon, What if I tell you the house is the player's house? No, Not your real-life house, But the player's house, They tell you to knock on the door, Seeming if Amanda wants to know if anyone is there, Then she freaks out, You see a static Amanda, That may be Amanda getting out of the tv, But anyways, That leads us to the theory of the first player...
When the first player joined, There was no monster behind the player, They reached tape 3 being fearful, Then they heard a knock on their door when they clicked the door, And then they heard static, Amanda's voice, Then they got the monster into the house, That's my theory of tape 3, Tell me what tape to explain next in the comments, And tell me what do you think the next tape will be, I will explain it! Peace!