14 days ago

Therapist: Bald SMG4 isn't real, he can't hurt you.

Bald SMG4:



Next up

Could someone let me know which Mega Stone (I think...) this is? It's yellow (both sides) and orange one one side, with blue on the other side.

Nightmare fuel...

I'm sorry, he's too far gone… (15.ai)

Now I've seen it all

What's next? Pikachu with a gun?

What do you do in this situation?

Meggy agrees with me!!!!!!

If SMG4 stops doing memes, we fucking riot

(Note: This was scheduled after I vomited. This is to show that I'm still alive. YAYYYY!)

Well, you got away into a safe room, this may not be the last time to see Mario.

In the same tune to the DDLC theme

I am getting those goddamn Vietnam flashbacks...