Six Hours at Diddle's
3 months ago

There is an update coming, but it's taking longer than expected because... Reasons

The update is not a replacement for SHAD: Reawakened, it's really just improving the gameplay, fixing some major issues, squashing dozens of small bugs, and finishing some unfinished content.

And because it's taking longer than expected I've published 1.3.0 again.

I'll be seeing you all again (when it's ready).



Next up

"Who are you?" / Reawakening in 2023

I finally beat Clubstep with 1857 attempts...

Now I have only two official levels left to complete

I got into the Batman Arkham games recently and discovered I can do a pretty good Joker impression.

Here's a pixelated Joker piece I made in about half an hour!

I'm sorry I just had to post this (PS1 Miss Dish)

I've fixed over a dozen bugs, heavily improved the gameplay, and now I must prepare to add the new content! Here's a screenshot btw

(GameJolt compression kinda ruins it)

Hello everyone! And merry (almost) Christmas :D

eight years... #spawnday

New Release, 2.14.0: The "Endless" Update!

"you got games on yo phone?"

I kinda miss working on this dumpster fire. Although it's canceled, here are some old renders of Diddle's crew