FNIA: Human Again

2 years ago

There's a game jam on that I entered my game in, but I figured with the breasts, the game would get removed. So I gave the characters clothes based on the original fashion. This gave me an idea to add unlockable costumes for them.



Next up

Over the course of Sunday, I made a bunch of changes to the game. A Gender page, a proper opening, interactive characters and even save and loading systems. Yes all in Scratch.

Started a small town in my new Minecraft World. I took this in the 1.1.0 update which I'm stuck on due to my computers CPU. Made a medieval house, small workshop, and a well and still in the stone age (haven't found iron yet) Pretty cool huh?

Another Day Another Starter House

Japanese Tower. (I Think)

This is the alleyway scene for a movie I'm making

#memecraft gen z humor be like

Made the escape track today

Everybody gets a redesign, even the prototype protagonist in the game. Since I wanted the ability to select your gender, I decided to redesign the male player. I'm making the female character now.

remember my screenshot from 2 days ago. This is the world now. Feel nostalgic yet

The results of my game in the game jam are in, and I did surprisingly well for the jam. I got 5th out of 27th place. Now it stinks knowing that I lost, but still to make the top 5 is absolutely amazing. More updates for the game in the future. working now