7 days ago

There's a side series coming to starlight! One that in the far future , I really want to become a fnaf 1 Click and move styled game! The name of this project/game is "Forgotten" Forgotten is the name. I didn't forget the name. More more Below!

Forgotten will be a series that goes into the back story of starlight going into It's battle between another company in the 1940-80s Which was called the arch way co. To the billions of characters that starlight has rights too. Some of these characters might sound familiar. Others are completely new to you! This series will take place In a completely new type of environment That isn't a theme park! More twisted characters that We'll stop at nothing To tear you apart. I already have a good amount of how everything looks in and work done. But the back story and the story in general is not done yet.

I will give you all more updates about this in the late future! Stay tune for more!

" and made the stars forever be with you!"

[ that was a starlight quote ]

Also the character that is on the image is named Is ☆slinky the Jester☆

[ He's like my starlight persona, ok? ok!]



Next up

lego sword :>

[ I made this thing a year ago]

I have a new favorite fnaf character.

Don't Judge me!! >:[


[still working on the digital design]


[You're going to have to look at its sideways]

It's not in the best shape anymore. But this is an old train station I built in 6th grade!

[ I am planning on building affairs.Will this year and fix The train station]

An average Saturday on copper 9.

a small art collapse if anybody wants to!


So i've started work on the comic and it's going to be about the store Named "the box".

Here's a little sneak peak for yall!

[ I know it isn't good]

Hmmm... I wonder who this could...hm...