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Great news! 2024-05-23

I'm graduating high school! Not only that, but production on my comic book can finally move forward. I have an iron-clad script, sketching began, I got a new laptop, and I have a logo drawn.

I drew a picture of Bacchus from Disney's Fantasia. Fantasia is one of my favorite animated films. I decided to draw something human.

#Disney #Fantasia #Greek #God #Bacchus #Roman #Fanart

#dog #patch #fanart

Link to patch_a_loo's Instagram:https://www.deviantart.com/users/outgoing?https://www.instagram.…

I made this drawing for patch_a_loo on Instagram. I really like his dog character. I know I've been gone for a while.

( Strasburg Thomas )

This comic briefly explains how Bacchus the bear became a demi-god. He was blessed by the real god to be an extension of his will. He's still mortal though. I experimented with new brushes.

#comicstrip #comic #bear #god #wolf #painting

I'm coming to the end of my Make-A-Wish streaming series, where I was building the Disneyland Paris Castle in Minecraft to raise money for the wonderful charity!

I've just posted a new progress check if you're interested - https://youtu.be/5Ksg_lScj28

#Magik #Xmen #Marvel

I made a drawing of Magik because I watched the live-action New Mutants some time ago and became fascinated with Magik.

Oh... Okay...

Happy birthday, to me! Charcoal and Clawson were gifted Mickey Mouse dolls to celebrate Mickey Mouse's entrance into the public domain. #mickeymouse #rabbit #cat #rabbit #birthday #birthdaycard