A Week With Javier: Ultra Deluxe Edition (Welcome To The Javier's)

6 months ago

There was a teaser of the stuff from the game!



Next up

To the worst job in your life...

The progress is going very well!

Here is some things that we are made for the demo v.1:

1- Main menu is fully maded!

2- The half of the cutscene when you stats new game is maded!

3- Game jolt API is maded and coder already tested this and he get a trophy!

Interesting job and good salary for a week's work, maybe I should get a job there?

Mike animation! :P

AWWJ 3 fan poster!

"there is no one else left... ARE ALL DEAD... but unfortunately... I am still alive"

Develog #3:

1 - New menu

2 - Added settings

3 - Menu background changed

(This is alpha of the 0.2 Demo! The demo is still in development!)

Страница игры вышла!

(Разработка не займёт много времени так как мы используем исходник от Five Nights at Stickman's 2 так что можете не включать режим терпилы, игра выйдет где то 1 или 2 марта или даже позже, я хз когда именно выйдет)

Ну чтож, увидимся!

I got you now, Nick!

(Context: it's based on Darkness Update)

Something is wrong...