2 years ago

These are Mr. Analog's Chroma Cards. AKA his magic cards. Each card has two uses, a defensive move and an offensive move.

Card of Spite
[Defensive] Equips the user with a Sword of Spite
[Offensive] Fires 5 large red lasers at the opponent(s)

Card of Cowardice
[Defensive] Creates a shield around the user
[Offensive] Immobilizes the opponent(s)

Card of Corruption
[Defensive] Gives the user invincibility for that turn
[Offensive] Fires hundreds of yellow magic bullets from the card at the opponent(s)

Card of Animosity
[Defensive] Teleports the user to a different location in the battle field
[Offensive] Gives the user a Damage Boost by increasing their DMG by times 3 for that turn

Card of Agitation
[Defensive] Lowers the opponent(s) DEF by half during the turn
[Offensive] Chains emerge from the card and wrap around the opponent(s), immobilizing them

Card of Deceit
[Defensive] Creates 5 clones of the user until those clones are defeated
[Offensive] 4 chainsaws fire from the card, two are fake and a light color {those phase through the opponent(s)}

Card of Dread
[Defensive] {Passive Ability} The user's opponent slowly gets weaker while the user gets stronger during the entire fight
[Offensive] Sharp purple needles are fired from the card at the opponent(s)

Card of Fear
[Defensive] The user steals all the opponent's summoned attacks {The attacks are only theirs until the attack disappear that turn}
[Offensive] Large magenta magic spikes shoot up from the ground in waves

Card of Hate
[Defensive] All opponents of the user cannot attack for 5 turns {All they can do is dodge}
[Offensive] The user fires a massive ball of hate, any opponents hit by it are withered upon touch



Next up


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(That one attack at the bottom left is reality warping. He turned his flail into a yo-yo)

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Grillby sprites

No context just yet but a few of you guys know

A lot don't-