2 years ago

They are dead



Next up

Everyone , immediately follow @MimicStudios to get him to 900 follower !!!!

Remember kids, eavesdropping is not okay.

Guys! Gaster canon in FNAS:R!!!!


Pov: woke up late at night


Mango's movement is done. Also his mechanics have changed (compared to the previous version). Now I have to " connect" the Sugar and Mango moves between them and it will be a pain in the ass.

I'm gonna go crazy rendering and coding all this stuff.

the game will not only have voice lines, but also animations after death. Now such animation is rendering. 40 frames. each frame takes about 2-5 minutes to render. only 11 rendered. yeah.

Hey, you got anything to eat?

By the way, the game has an interesting feature (well, more likely it's a bug) thanks to which, jumpscare one certain enemy, can simply break the AI of any other.

So, Sugar's test movement is done. I'll probably improve it, but it's already working.