15 days ago

''they look cute

the characters in question:''

last time that you prob will see posting in this community

i dont hate emos

and dont saying kaaatie copied




Next up

i wish i could have that

you cant deny it

this image is actually funny

other old oc that i never introduced

''the judgement day is upon you scum''

what if. all fan made FPE ocs

all against miss circle (tell me if u have FPE oc

( @togo91 ) feature pls:3 i have oreos

im ranning out of phrases so


''other timeline breachΒΏ


oc by @LolbitLucky

@FwD test has been replaced with another one...

''which boss is betterΒΏ''

drafted since feb

A woman

''if tb mode tdx gets released

prob i will do the same thing of mki c but with this and void instead''

no actually